The Cooperation Company


Helping You Manage Conflict

So It Does Not Manage You


As natural resource professionals, we know your work environment.

As mediators, we know about conflict resolution.

As leaders, you know what needs to be done.

Together, we are an effective team.

| Key Services

Make Meetings Work 

Change Conflict Into Collaboration 

You Can Always Improve 

Lessons Learned to Create Your Future 


“Thanks again for a wonderful two days. I know the consensus among everybody is that the conflict management workshop could not have been more helpful. We really loved it and got a lot out of it.”

Jared Porter

Graduate Research Assistant (M.S.)

“You accomplished an incredible feat by synthesizing an intensive, in-dept training to an hour and a half. . .”

Barbara Young

Professor of Nursing

". . . things looked bleak for a while with constant news stories about 'an impasse' in funding us. But I used some of the terrific negotiating skills I learned in a book written by some Fraidenburg guy to get to the win/win!"

Carl Burger

Senior Scientist

|Check Out Mike's Books |